About Yard Stack

Supplying high-quality recycled materials to foundries across Asia while promoting sustainability and circular economy.

Our Mission

Yard Stack is a metal recycling company that supplies secondary ferrous and non-ferrous materials to foundries in Asia. Our mission is to provide high-quality and cost effective recycled materials to our customers while reducing waste and promoting a circular economy.

Our Mission

Our Team

We are a team of engineers, business and logistics professionals who are passionate about sustainability and the environment.

Jimmy Morzaria

Jimmy Morzaria

Jimmy is responsible for sourcing secondary ferrous and non-ferrous materials in North America. He ensures that our materials meet the specifications and quality expected by our customers.

Jimmy has a strong technical background in engineering and mathematics from the prestigious Birla Institute of Technology and Science in India.

Deep Morzaria

Deep Morzaria

Deep is responsible for sales and partner management in Asia. He works closely with our customers to understand their needs and ensure timely delivery of materials.

Deep holds a Master of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering degree from the University of Toronto and has a strong background in materials science.

Ria Thakkar

Ria Thakkar

Ria manages logistics and compliance for the business. She works closely with our suppliers and customers to ensure that materials are delivered on time and meet all regulatory requirements.

Contact Us

Get in touch with us to discuss your secondary metal needs or learn more about our services.